Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Open Book test

When you study in school it usually means there is going to be a test. Tests are not as bad when you know they are coming, well at least if you studied for it. I always freaked out at these two horrible words: Pop quiz. I would immediately get a pit in my stomach and feel like I was at the dentist office about to get a double root canal without anesthesia.
Then there were those times when the teacher said "tomorrow we are going to have a test but you can use your text books". Open book tests, these were my favorite. I always got an A on them.

God gave us a text book as well, the Bible, which could be the acronym for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The Bible is filled with instructions on how to apply the material to our lives. And there will be a final exam. This statement may have made some of you feel nervous, but relax, this is not a pop quiz. This final exam should be easy because God already gave us all the anwsers in advance.

This final exam is an open book test. One where the Professor gives you the questions followed by the answers. That would be the easiest test in the world. Would it not? When test day came you would wake up calm and refreshed having slept soundly. Instead of being fearful, you would be at peace. You would be extremely confident of, not only a passing grade, but you would fully expect to get a 100%.

Wouldn't you like to know what God expects from you? When you die and stand before God on Judgement day? Wouldn't you like to know what the final examination of your life consisted of?

Would you like to know what will be required of you to receive a passing grade? Entrance to Heaven.
I'm not talking about a mere profession of belief which does not lead to an active love and concern for others. That is useless and insincere. Just read the book of James.

As in my post: The Backward Life, I continue to find that everything I learned or believed prior to commiting my like to Christ and following His teachings and example, was in direct conflict to what He wants from you and me.
Recap: Wanna live/die Wanna be first/Be last Wanna be exalted/humble yourself Wanna be a leader/ be a servant Wanna be rich/ give everything away Wanna be blessed/ be cursed Somebody hates you/ love them Somebody persecutes you/ pray for them.
Sometimes I still struggle with that conflict as I'm sure you do.
These are just a few of the answers on the test. The most important test you'll ever take. On exam day there will be no second chances, no retakes no do overs or mulligens. You either pass or you don't. Heaven with God or Hell, total separation from God for eternity. Heavy stuff.
As parents we pressure our kids to get good grades so they can go to college so they can get better grades so they can graduate and get a great job and make lots of money and be successful. That way they can buy a nice car and a big house and fill it with lots of stuff so when we die someone can pack it all into a uhaul and follow the hearse to the cementary. In reality relatives will fight over who gets what or they will donate or throw it out. Ah the pursuit of happiness and the American dream.
What we don't really impress upon our children is to study the only text book that really matters, The one that will determine, not what kind of house we will live in for 30 or 40 years, or where they will vacation 2 weeks per year...But where they will spend eternity. A paradise beyond comprehension or a hell beyond imagination. Why do we fail so miserably at teaching the signifgance of the Word of God and how it relates to us and to our loved ones?
I want you to think about this and pray on this before we move on. My next post will deal with the test itself.
God Bless you all.

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